Wednesday 5 February 2014

Responsive- Design Process 2: Interim Module Evaluation

We have been asked to give a self-evaluation on the module up to this point of the Final Crit of the Main Brief.

What I wanted to learn from doing the Responsive Module was of what it is like to work for somebody else, whether that be a client in real life or through a competition. In all honesty, I wasn't looking forward o the Module as I don't have any self confidence with my own work so I was very worried about having to put my work out there in the real world as I don't believe that it measures up to a lot of other designers. Despite this, I wanted to have a go at it and try out different things through the briefs that I would choose.

I have found this module difficult so far as I find it hard to juggle the time between doing briefs for this Module and doing work for everything else. I have managed to do one brief alongside the current main brief and I currently have one that I am working on so I am making slow yet steady progress. My Tigerprint brief I did in a day and I really enjoyed it once I got into the swing of it as it gave me something new to do and took my mind off of other briefs so I could go back to them fresh. The current National Trust brief I am happy doing now that I am on my way with it but, beforehand, I was finding it difficult to come up with a response. I should have probably picked a different brief which is much more straight-forward yet I wanted to challenge myself on a subject matter which spoke to me which is why I picked it. The current brief I am doing is Secret 7 as I felt that this would be another quick brief that I could do alongside what I am currently working on. I did Secret 7 last year but I knew that I would be approaching it in a new way due to how my skills have improved over the year.

What this module has shown me so far is how different and difficult it is to understand the needs of clients due to how badly some briefs can be written. I think I really need to get some more briefs done as I feel very behind and overwhelmed by the Module as a whole, however, at the same time, I think that the more briefs that I do, the more confident I will become.

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