Friday 14 November 2014

OUGD603 Tutorial

I had a one to one tutorial with Nick where I had the chance to discuss the briefs that I had been working on so far.

I started off by talking about the brief that I had recently started and was currently working on which is my Kitty Collateral Brief. I showed him what I had been working on, with it being a work in progress with me just experimenting with imagery and type for a logo and that I am undecided with what to choose for a logo.
Logo Possibility
He asked me what it would be producing for the brief in regards to printed work and suggested that it would be a good idea to add more of a context to it, such as making the work for a Cat Hotel due to the handwritten script font that I had experimented with was reminiscent of a traditional American motel. This way, I could produce work for something as well as to sell for a brand. I loved the idea of a Cat Hotel as it was unique and a lot more imaginative.

Alongside the more imaginative side of the Cat Hotel concept, Nick felt that I should keep going with the illustrations that I had produced rather than the logo and develop them because they had more of a fun element and could produce a really nice pattern for the brand. Not only that but they had more of a personality than having a cat shape within the logo.

I went onto talking about my Parish brief as I had got a bit stuck with it. I discussed some of the reasons for my design decisions and he felt that I should narrow down the scope and scale of the brief, sticking to what I had already done for it and leaving it at that. He felt that I was starting to get a bit lost in it and that the brief could become continuous therefore I need to narrow down what I need to do and leave it. The only thing that I could consider doing was some identification for staff.  

I am going to work on the comments that he made, particularly those made about my Kitty Collateral brief so that I can move forward and quickly progress with it.

For the next time I speak to Nick, he would like to see both of the briefs having progressed and developed as well as speaking about the DSM Brief.

Monday 10 November 2014

PPP3: Design Something More Studio Talk and Studio Briefing

Do Something More are a team of 3 based at Munro House
Used to work at Elmwood in Leeds- wanted a change

Why do brands need your help?
- Brands in seen as a dirty word but its an everyday thing
- What can we do to make them better
- What is a brand? A logo is a brand and an identity in the look and sound
- Brands are about standing for something- Apple 'Think Different Adverts' showed no products but sold you a life
- Brand doesn't have to show what its selling- Nike
- Instead of going to hoover, people are going to buy a Dyson- ingrained into social conscious
- IKEA- doesn't talk about product but the ideology

Brands have become the new super power
- They do a lot of stuff around the brand as well to help better the brand and emphasis the style
- "Stand for Something + Wonderful Experience = People Care"
- Brands which are wonderful experiences make our lives better

  • VW Musical Stairs
  • Waitrose Communities
  • Innocent Smoothies Bottle Hats
  • Apple iPhone Packaging Presentation- Unveiling of the Product
- Design is an opportunity to make a difference
- We can be broader as designers and think beyond the logo
- How many brands don't think about it? How many don't help you?
- Talking about serious subjects in an interesting way, eg. Movember
- People to to gravitate towards what they already know and fear change

Studio Brief:

We are part of a group called The Ministry of Wonderful, who want to re-think the brands of today to make them better as brands should have a duty of care to be better 

We are to be given one of 6 scenarios at random who we are to produce a brand identity for with the intention of improving them, creating them from scratch for tomorrows world as if it was to be done properly:

Train Operators, Water Supplier, Retirement Home, Library, City Council, Recycling Scheme

Not changing what they do, but how the brand change what you do there and the relationship between the action.

Guide on how to create your brand: Define, Create, Build
Part 1: Define
- What should it stand for? Why should it exist? Why should people care? What makes it different?
- Big idea of what you are? Name? What you stand for?
Part 2: Create
- What does it look like? What does it sound like? What does it do?
Part 3: Build
- How does your brand talk to people? Make stuff thats relevant (not business cards)

Winner gets a placement with a crit in 2 weeks for rough stuff, ideas and research to get feedback

(See Extended Practice Blog)

Thursday 6 November 2014

PPP3: Tutorial 1

Feedback for PPP3 Presentations
- Specific content, like an answering a brief
- Some briefs will have changed and some will have stayed the same

Use of computers in studios
- Loss of personality within studios
- Need to show a strong character to rely on
- PERSONALITY PERSONAL PRACTICE - Personality comes with opinions
- Have a 15 minute group chat about things you have seen to pass things on

Look at the blogs of studios rather than the websites
- Website is selling them but the blog is who they are
- Look at the people who work their and their own personal blogs
- What they want to talk about/ asking about what they want
- You've got to have bottle and take what you want
- Need to come across as dynamic and confident, not boring!

Your personality should show through in your portfolio
- Have work that shows your style and likes
- If you have something to say, say it

- When you are older, you don't feel as though you have to prove yourself unlike when you are starting out
- Just because you have a name doesn't mean you have the best work
- You are the product, the range is your what you can do and the way you distribute it

Next PPP Brief
- Looking about you
- What do we need to do to show your personality
- Start putting things on your blog that effect you
- Once in your comfort zone, try to go further
- Create a professional blog?