Sunday 28 October 2012

PPP1: Study Task- What Is Higher Education?' (Evaluation & Reflection)

From my 5 questions that I put up, I got some feedback from fellow members of my Blog Group.

1. How well have they explained themselves?

Generally, I got positive feedback in the way that I talk through my work and explain my reasoning for design choices, being honest with whether they were successful or not.

2. Is there a wide range of resources for research?

The consensus of the members of my blog was that I had a wide range of graphic design considered and took alot of inspiration for PP and DC Blogs. I wasn't too sure about the comment on using more books for influences as alot of my research actually does come from library books, however, I thought it was a great suggestion by members of my group to look in some Journals in the library. I have to agree with them as I don't look in the journals and they are just as good a resource as the books are.

3. Presentation of Blog Itself?

My Blog group said that it was clearly presented and up- to- date. They picked up on the fact that my PPP blog was inconsistant with the rest of my Blogs as the layout was different. I had been having some technical difficulties with that particular Blog and I had changed the layout as it was the only successful solution to change the issues. I didn't know that you need to change all the Blogs individually so when that was picked up by my Blog Group, I changed the layouts accordingly straight away.

4. Critical Evaluation of own work?

I recieved a lot of positive comments for not leaving any image without a refernce or explaination and that it illustrates the points I am making within my discussion.

5. Quantity/ Is there a Substancial Volume of Work?

I was told that I have a lot of work and that it is of a good quality. It was suggested to me to put images in my Lecture Notes which I can understand as there is alot of text and is basically just all my notes so it would be nice to illustrate my nites. I won't want to put every image on there as it is my notes that are te most important thing but I'm sure I could put a few images to break the text up and so it would be clear as to where I'm coming from.


I think it was a very positive exercise to have other people look at my blog and see what I have been doing. The positive comments have been very reassuring and I have responded to changes that have been suggested. Its great that they were written in a considered and thought-out way so thast they didn't feel attacking. One thing I must point out is the fact that only 3 out of 6 members of my Blog group posted on my Blog before the deadline which is disappointing because I have posted on all members posts in time and we should be working as a team therefore I could only take into account there feedback.

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