Thursday 6 November 2014

PPP3: Tutorial 1

Feedback for PPP3 Presentations
- Specific content, like an answering a brief
- Some briefs will have changed and some will have stayed the same

Use of computers in studios
- Loss of personality within studios
- Need to show a strong character to rely on
- PERSONALITY PERSONAL PRACTICE - Personality comes with opinions
- Have a 15 minute group chat about things you have seen to pass things on

Look at the blogs of studios rather than the websites
- Website is selling them but the blog is who they are
- Look at the people who work their and their own personal blogs
- What they want to talk about/ asking about what they want
- You've got to have bottle and take what you want
- Need to come across as dynamic and confident, not boring!

Your personality should show through in your portfolio
- Have work that shows your style and likes
- If you have something to say, say it

- When you are older, you don't feel as though you have to prove yourself unlike when you are starting out
- Just because you have a name doesn't mean you have the best work
- You are the product, the range is your what you can do and the way you distribute it

Next PPP Brief
- Looking about you
- What do we need to do to show your personality
- Start putting things on your blog that effect you
- Once in your comfort zone, try to go further
- Create a professional blog?

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