Thursday 6 March 2014

Responsive- Design Process 2: Collaborative Practise Final Crit

For the final crit of the Collaborative Module, we had to produce design boards showing the final designs that we had produced so far. We had to get into the previous weeks crit groups and swap boards with groups from another table, criting each others work. We also had to fill out a feedback sheet for each group so that they could get feedback on their Boards as well as the work itself.

The trouble with our design boards was that Anna produced them from home while she was ill so I didn't have any of the original files, making all of the images when printed poor quality. Also, this would mean that I would have to present them by myself.

Boards for the Crit annotated by other groups

Feedback Sheet 
I could totally understand the comments that were given towards the poor image quality of the boards due to the fact that I hadn't been sent the original file in a PDF format so I was having to work with them being pixelated. Alongside this was the suggestion of having information in columns and better image alignment which I fed back to Anna after the session was over. One grammatical error was found and, even though I spellchecked the boards beforehand, I managed to find that Anna had spelt my name wrong which I was embarrassed about. This feedback is all valid, however, as it means that we have a clear aesthetic to go for when we are producing the final ones. Despite this, we were given good feedback on the context of the idea and the actual design of the box back which I was pleased about. One comment wanted to know when we would be producing any others but I am currently waiting on Anna to produce the drawings for it before I can produce them.

The groups that had critted each others work had to them merge together and present their work, discussing the feedback that they were given from the previous exercise. From this, we had a whole class discuss on comments that were made on our work in regards to what we need to improve as a year group. This list included:
  1. Consistancy of Layout Throughout- Sizing of Images (Formatting), Gutters and Margins, Quality of Images and Body Copy/ Typesetting
  2. Defining Audience ( and Aims and Outcomes) 
  3. Too Much Information (Images and Text)
  4. Impact- Hierarchy of Information
  5. Haven't printed work out beforehand-  Everyone has used a landscape format, make everything larger- Characters on huge scale, Main Design on 1 Board, Get rid of all white spacing and have Full Bleed Images. It needs to look like an editorial piece rather than some images put on a board.
Study Task: 

For the last session, we have to have design boards produced on the briefs that we have done so far so that we can show what we have done in the Module.

Printed A3 Boards for Final Module Crit
We had to have the boards printed in A3 ready for the session so that we could present our work to the whole class.

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