Tuesday 10 December 2013

PPP2: Visiting Lecturer- Matthew Tweddle and David Eccles from Numiko

Numiko are a Web Agency within Leeds who design for screen. They work primarily for the Public and Entertainment Sectors and Design things that are of use, not with the intention of selling a product.

Common perspectives of Graphic Web Design:
  • Too many limitations- Limitations are disappearing with the development of Typography, Responsive Grids, Scaling Vector Graphics, Connection Speeds, HTML5/Canvas/Open GL
  • Need to be able to Code- Designers don't need to be able to Code. It is useful to know but isn't essential as you will be able to pick stuff up along the way.
  • Designing websites must get boring- Web Design is constantly evolving due to technological advances so there is something new to do every time
  • Lack a formal understanding of Design- It's a maturing industry with Design being taken seriously.
  • You need to move to London- You don't!
They have done work for:

Nesta Charity
- "Make Things Do Stuff" Campaign
- Production of a Visual Language
Water Aid Charity
- Branding needs to be considered when making for Web
- Illustrations of a Story
Lewis Hamilton
- How Layout and Type translates onto screen
- Bespoke, editorial style to the Layout
National Lottery
- Illustrations of an Entire Typeface
National Statistics
- Illustrator made Info-graphic
Channel 4 Documentary
- Full screen Experience
- Different Layout
- Designing for TV
Film 4
- 30 year Celebration Timeline
- Using a Framework called a Gel- when companies want to keep the consistency throughout the sites

Discover- Define- Design- Develop- Deploy = Research- Idea- Design- Make- Apply

Understand the Audience
- Who the audience are? What they need? Understanding their digital lives? What the organisation needs from the digital platform?

"There is nothing more dangerous than the right answer to the wrong question"
- Peter Drucker

Personas- Fictional people created who you can design for with statements of their needs

Write a Creative Brief which is for everyone to refresh- 3.000 pages with lots of designers having to do them so there are guidelines put in place for everyone to follow on any particular brief

Wireframing and Grid system for the Website is to work on all platforms
- Like you having to make 3 websites- iMac, iPhone and iPad
- Make web guidelines so the same thing is applied in the future by all designers

Will meet with Clients and show them the key developments in the project- Designers as well as Project Managers will go to meet them

Why they want Graphic Designers:

  • Typography is Key Online
  • A Knowledge and Understanding of Designing for Brand
  • Unique Layouts and Concepts
  • Iconography
  • Illustration

Typically it takes 2 to 3 days for a Proposal piece, 3 weeks for Design and 6-8 weeks in Front End Design

Look for Designers who have a wide range of skills which can be demonstrated

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