Friday 26 April 2013

PPP1: Visiting Lecturer- Si Scott

Friday 26th April 2013
Visiting Lecturer
Si Scott

All work is hand-drawn using a pen and paper
Had no access to the internet or email so learnt how to draw everything by hand
In University, Scott founded a love for typography and drawing letterforms
Drawing type and typography gives you a steady hand
Developed a fascination in created number-based works based on being diagnosed with Dyspraxia

"If your not doing new work then you have nothing to show"

Advertisement work- Nike, Orange, Harrods, Windows and Microsoft
Editorial work- Typographic layouts for fashion editorials
Book covers are an easy way to get into doing freelance work
Charity work- working to try to help raise awareness
Paper Crafting and Photography to produce a 3-Dimentional effect
Generate work by doing your own and getting work off the back of it
Give more than what is asked for- try and push it
Produce work that follows the brief but also create your own reaction to the brief so you can argue for it
You have to keep working on your own style which is natural to you
Having to work with other- management are arrogant and change your work
Music is the biggest influence outside of illustration
Scott isn't influenced by other designers as they can be too pretentious

Portfolios- finding time to make things and send it
- By sending physical stuff through the post, it gets you more attention as you have made the effort
- Don't just email people as anybody can do that- becomes a needle in a haystack
- Put something in their hands that they will remember

"Don't take yourself or your work too seriously"

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